NJV Media Blog
Donor-Driven Digital Storytelling
Storytelling is so integral to fundraising, and I’ve participated in dozens of filming projects, on both sides of the camera, all meant to tell the story of a particular organization. Each cost thousands of dollars, and was usually commissioned for a specific fundraising event. Afterwards, the videos were barely used, if at all. While undoubtedly critical to evoking the emotions that motivate people to give, these videos took a significant chunk out of most events’ bottom lines.
Intimate, Bingeable Jewish Community
Intimacy is the new gold standard of community building for 2021. This was true long before the COVID-19 pandemic placed these e-dvars and emails among the most important engagement tools my synagogue and favorite organizations had available in a virtual world.
Double Down on Building Your Digital Brand
The COVID-19 pandemic has, in some ways, made Jewish community more broadly accessible than ever. In 2020, nonprofits and synagogues quickly began offering Jewish content in virtual spaces to compensate for the lack of in-person gatherings.